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Exodus 17:8-19:15

While reading this passage I became fascinated with the attack of the Amalek on Israel, it seemed unprovoked. So, “Why? After reading several commentaries, it seems that this group of people were either descendents of Esau or descendents of the tribe of Ham (pick one any one, either way the people were Bedouins, nomads who would be coming down at this time of year to graze their extensive flocks and herds. Seeing Israel occupy their official unofficial grazing land would certainly cause the ire of their fury to be vented.

You have heard the voice of God clearly and you have chosen to follow that voice. Along the way you are attacked and you are just minding your own business. What’s up God? Others seeing you occupy their official unofficial territory are coming in for the kill. No questions asked they just see you as a threat to their centuries old grazing land. There is a lesson for all of us in this. Jesus sends we are attacked: this comes with the territory of being a Christian. Now if the attackers are descendents of Esau, God had already stated before your birth that two nations (Gen 25:23), who happened to be brothers but who had differencing mindsets, would always battle. Therefore, if these descendents are “Esau’s”, your long lost brothers, appeasement won’t be possible. Now, if these are descendents from the line of Ham, then they may only see you as not only a threat to their survival, your trampling the grass needed for the flocks to graze. Who ever or whatever the motive for the attack, they want you dead.

All in the day of the life of a Christian. We are in a war zone put your armor on.

I’m trying to figure out the time frame of Moses’ Father-In-Law’s visit, was it before or after God gave the Law to Israel? I am asking this question because of the following passage,

When Moses' father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people, he said, What is this that you do for the people? Why do you sit alone, and all the people stand around you from morning till evening? Moses said to his father-in-law, Because the people come to me to inquire of God. When they have a dispute they come to me, and I judge between a man and his neighbor, and I make them know the statutes of God and His laws. (Exodus 18:14-16 AMP).

If this exchange took place BEFORE the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai, Moses’ relationship with God at this point was such that God spoke to him directly because this translations states, “…I make them know the statutes of God and His laws.” Where did the knowledge of God’s law come from? Was this knowledge general knowledge passed down from one generation to the next? On the other hand, did Moses receive this knowledge through direct revelation from God? If Moses was teaching the people the law after the giving of the Law at Sini, then like us, these are some “dense” folk.

Just something that makes you go, “Hmmm.”

Grace and peace,

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