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Quite a few thoughts:

Abraham offered sacrifices to God, obeyed God (most of the time), was involved in covenants with God - BUT in readings today Abraham’s walk is advancing and he is conforming into the image of Christ. For the first time, Abraham talks to God (prays) about others - interceding for the righteous in Sodom.

Lot in 2Peter2:7 is called righteous (believer) and is grieved by the sins/behavior in Sodom. BUT not enough to leave. You serve two masters - he is elder in the city (position at gate) and a believer - and do it in this earthly life consistently - and the warning is you can (metaphorically) end up drunk, naked, and alone - having had a worthless life in God’s eyes - albeit saved.

Jesus talks about not judging. But we judge all day long - if we did not we would be paralyzed into inaction. Paul says we can judge teaching and right from wrong. What gives? In the Greek Jesus is saying we can not know (judge) the heart. Only God can do that. Let God be God.

Matt 7:7 I always find fun. If you take the first letter of each clause - you get: A S K. God wants us to ask, wants to be in relationship with his children.

Mike on evangelizing: have had 8 people come to Christ in 18 years. Have talked to 100’s more. Surveys say Christians were exposed to evangelism 27.5 times on average before accepting. You never know if you are 1,12,25, or 27.5 in a persons life. Pray for opportunities to share and God will provide. Recently, I have worked “everyone spends eternity somewhere” into a spiritual conversation. Also say - “I get it, I thought exactly the same, was an atheist until 48”. Shut up, and usually the response is-‘what changed your mind’. Glad you asked - let’s talk.

I am intrigued at how much " bargaining" Abraham did with God. But I also love that God cared enough about Abraham to feel he needed to tell him what was going on and let him in on his little plan for Sodom and Gemorrah. Wow

I love that Jesus knows science and is very good at it. He knows we care alot and doesn't want us to worry or fret..it decreases life really and that's true

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