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Genesis 16:1-18:15

It is always interesting how each time I read thought a passage something different jumps out at me. So here goes. The follow verses from Proverbs came to my mind as I read today’s readings:

Under three things the earth is disquieted, and under four it cannot bear up: Under a servant when he reigns, a [empty-headed] fool when he is filled with food, An unloved and repugnant woman when she is married, and a maidservant when she supplants her mistress.
(Proverbs 30:21-23 AMP)

Leaving behind all the opinions about Sari finding a surrogate, Hagar, to carry her husband’s seed, according to the writer of Proverbs, Hagar, Sari’s “maidservant,” may have either tacitly or directly challenged her mistress’ authority. If the writer of the above three verses is correct in his assessment, than Hagar may have been making the ground shake, so to speak. She had produced for Abram what Sari couldn’t. She had been intimate with another woman’s husband, even if that woman initiated and facilitated the act. Talk about one-upmanship.

We are a funny folk. We counsel people and when they received and act on that counsel and it goes awry, we distance ourselves from the consequences. Sari presented her handmaiden to her husband in an attempt to “work” God’s promise to her husband, or had Abram kept the promise to himself? Hmmm. (If Sari knew that God has given a promise of a child to Him, why whould she have laughed when the angel spoke to her husband? Or could she have thought the Promise was to her husband and not to her? That’s a whole ‘nother essay.) Either way, she turned on the one she gave counsel too, her husband. Abram heard the counsel but didn’t have to receive it. How many times do we accept someone’s counsel without considering what is being said just to make the person happy. When it blows up in our faces, if we go back to the person who was so generous with their ideas, what usually is the reception we received?

Every one of us is responsible for your own choices no matter how strong the pressure to accept that advice. Bottom line is this: Not only will we have to serve our choices, but those we are responsible for, those under our leadership at home, work or church, will feel the effects. Abram’s relationship with Hagar was of the flesh. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. It is only the things born of the Spirit that will last. My prayer for all those who come to his Blog, myself included, is this: That we consider the consequences of our choices. May all here evaluate their decisions, are they of the flesh or of the spirit. All things of the “flesh” lead to death. Let us go on to live in Life. Let us stop producing Ishmaels in our lives.

Grace and peace,

Can I just say and I have never said this before in reading this but why does men think with the wrong brain..? One..God has promised Abraham..a seed..I guess I could see maybe many years go by and you think you misunderstood and then his wife gets a crazy idea of..hey! Why not sleep with my maid servant? ..of course and Man (even if it is Abram) us going to say YES! Then Sarai gets mad at the recourse and wants to say it's all his fault!! Lol..crazy! That has always been a crazy scenario..oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to...(deceive) but who deceived? Sarai? For thinking the child would be hers but not feeling maternal? Abram? For thinking this was the promise? Hagar ? For being g a willing servant and then Lording it over uer misses? Hmmm

Matthew talks about our motives. I thought alot of that today..especially in court in opt for jury duty..that is the best but scariest position to be put in. Ouch!

Then follows Psalm 7..true intentions..based on the heart..I truly believe the Lord saved my heart and made it ok today..

Proverbs 2: slow down and tune in to God. So true. I have let my life slow down lately and it's a beautiful thing ✨️

Yes there are consequences, God shows us that we he loves all of his children, and that we could do nothing without him. Nobody's perfect the song said no not one, they were both at fault she told him what to do and Abraham responded in his flesh.Romans 7:21 when I would do good evil is always present.

When we come to realize that Jesus is the head of our life a light comes on, it means that we acknowledge that he is our Lord and savior.

God knows that we don't want to be lost in sin
Abraham didn't wait he acted out in fear, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Psalms 51: 10 create in me a clean heart and renew the right Spirit within me.

When we are sincere Jesus saves, even though we don't understand why things happen the way it does, God has the ultimate plan for our lives. The mother who was a slave with an innocent child was sent to perishing in the desert.

Not so, God saw hagar and turned the situation around, an angel of God appeared hearing the the cry of Ismael, after they were rescued Abraham realized he was acting out of fear taken situations into his own hand.

Ishmael would not only survive he would become a great nation. God brings good out of difficult situations proverbs 3:6 acknowledge God in all your way. No more Ishmael, God will work things together for the good of those who love him. 8:28💕🙏

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