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Today's reading in Genesis opened my eyes to see the remarkable faith of Abraham. God calls him away from all he knows to a land that God will show him. The promise of God starts in Genesis 12 to bless him, and make him the father of a great nation, and inherit a land for his offspring. Along the way, Abraham shows true character in offering Lot first choice in the land before them. It is actually comical in a way. I picture Lot with his eyes just taking in the potential bounty from the fertile plains and after a long look "Lot chose that land for himself'! Not only did Lot think first of himself, but chose to set up tent near an ungodly group of people. "After Lot was gone" the Lord took Abrham aside and gave him the 360 degree look of all that lay before him and seemed to say, "if you think what Lot took was great,turn around and see, "I am going to give all this land to you..." as far as he could see. Isn't that just like God who wows us with His abundance. If we keep our trust on the One who is trustworthy, then nothing else really matters. Abraham could have chosen first since he was older, he could have demanded the best, but instead he cared less for material gain than taking care of those in his charge. He took care of Lot both in land and in rescue, and also his allies after rescuing Lot. Abraham knew God was trustworthy which explains why he so obediently left his home, family, and relatives to go on this adventure yet to be seen.And if we look at God's promises to Abraham, other than Isaac, Abraham really didn't live to see the promises fulfilled. Hebrews 11:13 "All these faithful ones died without receiving what God had promised them, BUT THEY SAW IT ALL FROM A DISTANCE and welcomed the promises of God." I pray God would teach me to have the character to live beyond what I see, and live by faith looking foward to the legacy before me. Abraham "believed God" to be good for all His promises and lived knowing God was good for His Word.

What I think is neat is one: Abram is content on whatever area is given..his God will provide..but also the conversation that God and Abram had. God not only confirmed and made a covenant with Abram but told him what his people will face but that they will be delivered. Also in the land that Abram will inherit..I see that the "canaanites" are in it too. The curse of Ham/Canaan has begun. In Sodom/Gemorrah..the rivalry with Kings..and Abram chased them down and got back possessions and his nephews family..and one day soon there clan will be demolished..the words of Saints were and are powerful when they follow after God.

The intentions of the heart are very important. More and more lately, I am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and want to make my Lord happy and do His will. Not talk or think wrongly, but be obedient ro His Will. I believe the closer you get to Him the more sensitive I am.

In regards to lusting, Jimmy Carter when he was president commented on it. Many people didn't understand what he was getting at. He lived a life of service. Being an example to follow.

In Genesis 13 Abram was told to leave his family and go. He instead brought Lot with him. Because of that things were put in place that wouldn't have happened. Scripture doesn't say why Abram did that. Later Lot would choose plain of Sodom to settle in. He and his daughters were rescued before it was destroyed. They ended up in a cave and the daughters had intercourse with their father resulting in two nations from it. (Genesis 19.30-38) the Moabites & the Ammorites who became enemies to the Jewish people fleeing Egypt under Moses and in the future of that nation.

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