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MIke--I am a morning person. Even when I want to sleep in my body’s alarm clock begins ringing at 5am.

I do my reading time is in the morning. I have a second read through the bible program that I usually use first. Then I read a chapter in Proverb, and finaly a come to the BLOG.

What I post, whether A.M or P.M, usually comes out of my Devotion/quit time. When I read the Word in the morning, there seems to always be a verse, a passage or passages that dwell in my mind all day, which I then mediate on. I am a journaler and what I journal usually winds up here, or at least part of my thoughts get posted here.

Genesis 11-13:4

The whole earth had a common language and a common vocabulary. When the people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. Then they said to one another, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." (They had brick instead of stone and tar instead of mortar.) Then they said, "Come, let's build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves. Otherwise we will be scattered across the face of the entire earth."
(Genesis 11:1-4 NET.)

Mike’s words about building a name for oneself has really hit home and has caused me to think about broken relationships held up to the light of the story of the tower of Babel. Could shattered relationships really be the product of trying to build a name for oneself? Are our us-four-and-no-more groups really be about lifting up ourselves to get a name? Did God come down and scatter the relationships because we were going in a direction we were not suppose to be going, up and not out?

On January 1st my first post began with a quote from the Book of Ecclesiastes,

Wisdom or money can get you almost anything, but it's important to know that only wisdom can save your life. Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?
Enjoy prosperity while you can. But when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. That way you will realize that nothing is certain in this life. (Ecclesiastes 7:12-14)

My focus was on the statement, Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Funny how what comes out of our mouths, in this case, what is typed out on the keyboard, comes back to hold us accountable, ouch!

Mike—looking at the Map you inserted in today’s comments I couldn’t help but observe that Haran, where Abram and the gang hung-out for ten years until dad died, seems like a spike in the journey that lead away from Canaan. It is like a spike on an EKG reading heralding a warning of danger to come.

I’ve often wondered each time I’ve read through this story what would have happened if Haran had never been a stopping point in this journey. If Abram had arrived in Canaan, the land God would promise to his descendents, but not him, would they have had enough grain/hay and what ever else grows, to stave off the effects of the famine? If Abram had trusted God, in spite of the famine, so that God would prove to him that He would meet all their needs, how would the rest of the story turn out.

Abram seemed to be conflicted by two fears pulling inside of him like a perverted game of tug-of-war. Unable or unwilling to trust God in the midst of the famine, fear of starving to death drove him to a country that presented him with another fear, fear of death from the hands of Pharaoh. One fear drove him smack into the other. Fear is a rough taskmaster and allowing it to drive one’s decisions and choices oft times leads to bad choices and regrets.

Fear drove Abram to “pimp” his wife to feed himself and his household. He offered up his wife as a sacrifice to save his own life. Can today’s families find themselves doing the same thing? Are we offering up our husbands, wives, children on the alter of a idolatrous god of fear? We may even find ourselves pimping the gospel, offering up half-truth, like Abram, about our situations to avoid or stave off the death of our finances, the death of relationships, family and friends while we construct an alter of justification for doing our deeds: comprise and sin. Finally, if Abram hadn’t gone down to Egypt, would we be reading about Hagar, Sari’s Egyptian hand maiden and the boy Ishmael in the chapters to come, and, the fall-out from that relationship, would we still be reaping the effects today?

I wonder about these things because I think about the consequences of my actions and or inactions of following God whole-heartedly. Thank God that He redeems, restores and reconciles us back to Him. Yet walking in His perfect will is so much easier than walking in His Permissive will. All unnecessary bumps are removed when we obey.

Grace and peace,

I think innately God's creation knew to go out over all the 🌎 earth and spread out. They have been hearing this message since Noah got off the Ark. However, just like in the garden, pride was in the way and they( the people) wanted to be wise like God and make a name for themselves by building a tower. Big mistake!

Could you imagine the day the Lord confused the languages..the brick layers talking different from the tar people, and the ones on ladder couldn't understand down below to the others..all groups have their own immediate clan and that was it. No more one world language..
Just like yesterday, we get another covenant. The Abrahamic covenant..I will bless those who bless you and vurse those who curse..what power in those words.. and Abram approached everything very carefully and went down as a friend of God.

What I love about this is the authentic words of Jesus on the mount. Such power in each of these verses

Psalm 5: because of your unending love i can enter your house..yes! And invite friends too!
Proverbs 1:24-28 i don't ever want to leave ypu..I don't want to be so foolish I remove myself out from under the veil of your protection. Amen

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