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I want to give my testimony. My neighbor helped me come to the Lord. One day we were discussing the Bible. My heart was beating out of my chest. She told me to go home & read my Bible. I was not a Bible reader, as a catholic we were not taught to do so. I was taught about the Trinity, just not about needing to give my life to Jesus, in a personal relationship. I went home, prayed & said, "I don't know where to read so I'm just going to open my Bible. God honored that simple prayer. It opened in the Psalms. Under the number of the Psalm was a title, "Ardent longing for God". That was me that day. I didn't pray a "sinners prayer" as such, but my heart did. That day I become a true follower of Jesus. A little while later at the beginning of the new year I joined a church that taught the Bible. Have followed Him ever since, 50 years. I pray that as you read thru the Bible this year, if you don't know Jesus as Savior & Lord that you will at the end. He loves you so much, He died for you.

In the year of 2024 I was called to be of some assistance to someone in need of help. Due to my experience I learned how to sacrifice, knowing that God had a plan for our lives I volunteered my time and talents for some time, with much love and Patience together we were brought to an amazing miracle, in that experience he taught me to wait. Without God we can do nothing I am so thankful for all his many blessings,🙏for Gods next move in my life I believe that mini nets will break. Isaiah 40:31: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Thank you God for loving and keeping us in Jesus name 🙏

I also would like to add John 10:10 Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. A life that is filled with God's goodness. Thank you for the Bible in one year💞🙏

But God remembered...and Noah listened..and was patient..waiting...40 days flood...waiting..7 days ..let a Raven and Dove out..waiting..7 more days..let a dove out (came and gave a olive twig in mouth..) so waited the 54 days and then after that , it said the flood stopped 10 months. Noah amd the Ark rested on the mountain Ararat..and opened the roof and still waited..Noah was a man of integrity..against all odds..he waited and trusted in the Lord..he listened to what God advised. They were vegetarians before the Ark amd flood and now God permitted them to eat meat. Noah immediately sacrificed the clean analogy for the Lord. This is one of the first covenants God gave..I will never flood the earth ever again.wow!

I love how Matthew shifts to Kingdom living..through Jesus. Jesus was about change in the hearts of man. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand..all the witnesses had to do was believe.

Then leads to Psalm..God's word gives spiritual joy..when we seek Kingdom living, it brings great joy.
And then proverbs pouring out the spirit of wisdom. Dont we want spiritual wisdom daily? Yes!

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