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Christ as man was guided immediately by the Word of God: wherefore He needed not be guarded by an angel. Again as regards His soul, He was a comprehensor, although in regard to His passible body, He was a wayfarer. In this latter respect it was right that He should have not a guardian angel as superior to Him, but a ministering angel as inferior to Him. Whence it is written (Mat. 4:11) that "angels came and ministered to Him."

I noticed this time around in the geneology: two Lamechs..one under Cains family. The first polygamy in the bible. Then Seth had a Lamech/under lineage of Enoch, Jared, Mathusalah. Also, about the "Son's of God." I have a theory..when God created man and woman and was creating the earth..the life lines are longer..however the Lord created and put additional "men" on earth to help create the earth..especially since there were no other men or women except through Adam, Eve, and their children and the children or kids reproducing with each other..just my theory..however..it didn't come close to redemption as "Son's of God" as the 1st Son-Jesus who was, is and has always been.

I love to hear John get the high and pompous Pharisees and Sadducees! I love how he doesnt flinch or hold his tongue. He was a man who knew who he was and didn't waver. I love the faith of John! He was an incredible example of faith and a disciple of Christ.
I believe in Matthew 4 it shows why scripture and staying armored up with Christ is so important...because even the devil 😈 knows scripture however our gain is to be one step ahead of him! Amen!!

In Psalm, 3 it talks about sleep..my sleep patterns have been off. I pray for my heart and my rest to be at a stable level. I have been exercising lately and trying to get back on a good system for health as I should.

Proverbs makes me wonder in comparison..with the pharisees and saducees, are they caught in their own trap..? Do they booby trap themselves.hmmm

In regards to Bible memorization...
On an index card copy the verse you want to memorize. On the flip side write the 1st letter of each word in a row. These letters will act as prompts. You can flip the card to see the actual verse to see if you got it correct or to see what the word is that you missed. Keep the cards of verses you know together for review. Continue to review the cards. This reinforces what you've learned. Really works.

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