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Genesis 39-41:16

I’m not sure if my brain is functioning so early this morning, and maybe I’m hallucinating, but again I’m seeing something in the text that I have certainly read but never seen before, which ties into the admonishment in the Book of Isaiah Jesus refers to in today’s New Testament reading:
He said, "Go and tell these people: 'Listen continually, but don't understand! Look continually, but don't perceive!' Make the hearts of these people calloused; make their ears deaf and their eyes blind! Otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, their hearts might understand and they might repent and be healed."
(Isaiah 6:9-10 NET.)

Joseph’s story is a picture of the world of the believer and the traps and temptations that God’s people faced before Messiah and after Messiah. This story also points to the coming salvation of God’s people, Israel and spiritual Israel, the church, and toward the Hope of the world, Jesus Christ (I think what I just said is redundant). One of these illustrations is the suffering servant, for doing right (righteous) and dealing in truth, Joseph is taunted by sin and then sin’s lies has him imprisoned. Jesus came to deal with our sin and paid the price by hanging on a tree, going down into the prison of death, the grave, he conquered it and sin, then rose from the grave. Joseph rose up from his death in the prison.

The number seven, seven cows, seven heads of wheat, represents the fullness of time, when the time was right Jacob showed up to interpret the dream and that interpretation, born of God, would deliver the people from the death of lack of bread. One of Jesus’ name is the Bread of Life.

But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born subject to [the regulations of] the Law,
(Galatians 4:4 AMP)

Everything in this narrative relates to Jesus Christ, everything. As we read though the Old Testament, we will see types and shadows of the things to come (for those who are new to reading through the Bible that are alluded to in these couple of chapters. We will read about the sacrifice system (cows) God places in the Temple, we will read about the fruit of the Vine (New Wine-in the New Testament) and the “grain” offering that is given allusion to with Pharaoh’s cup bearer (wine) and his baker (his bread contains yeast, which represents the world’s sin).

All of this stuff may have been written about in commentaries, but I’ve said this before and I’ll probably repeat it often, “Revelation is not revelation until it is revelation to you.”

I am so excited that I can hardly sit still long enough to finish typing this out so again,

Grace and peace,

Thank you, Mike, for keeping at this for 18 years! I've begun this discipline numerous times but have never been able to be consistent at all. So far, I've kept up---for 19 days! I don't want to be one who can't see or hear and therefore cannot turn and be healed.
Thank you, too, for your honesty and humility. Thank you for the artwork and funny pictures. Bless you!

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