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Genesis 37:1-38:30

Something that I just saw and I could be way off the mark, Judah tried to redeem himself, by taking back his identity and sadly failed. This is a picture of everyone who relies on his own cunning, his own wealth to gain his/her rightful identity. This is a picture of all of us who reject the free gift that Jesus Christ death, burial and resurrection, we are trying to buy back our tree identity, but it can only be found in Christ.

In those days, a man’s “identity” was validated by his ring, identification seal, his cord and walking stick. The walking stick would have been hand carved and unique, a one of a kind ‘cause there were no mass marketing. Looking past the fact that Judah sold his identity for some sex (In fact usually when we pay a down payment or place a deposit, ten percent will usually do but this man gave up his whole wallet with his credit cards, birth certificate, drivers license, and to top it all off, his power of attorney), he like his uncle Esau sold everything for one “pot of stew.” WOW!!

Does God still speak to us in dreams, absolutely Yes. He speaks to us by the way we learn, the way He has created us to learn. If we learn best visually, I believe He will speak predominately to the visual learners though dreams. If we learn best through a hands on experience God will use a hands on method, something tactile, to get His message to us so we can grasp it. Just like God is able to speak our language, God is able to communicate with us through our predominate means of learning. Besides if God can use a chicken (a roosters crowing convicted Peter after denying Christ) and a donkey (Balaam received a rebuke from his trusted steed) then God can use any means necessary to convey His Truths.

Our problem is we covet other people’s experiences in hearing from God instead of taking the time to develop our own. Other people’s experiences should propel us to seek our own personal relationship; our own meetings place with God and not try to imitate someone else’s practice.

Grace and Peace,

I really appreciate your daily blog on the one year bible and your emails are a regular part of my morning devotions. Should Joseph have shared his dreams with his family? Based on the reaction of his brothers and fathers, my reaction is "no," but by sharing these words Joseph set into motion events that led to the fulfillment of this dream. Still, a couple of passages tell me that we should be mindful of our words -- Matthew 12:36-37 "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned." Also, Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." I'm striving to be more mindful of the effects of my words on the hearer.

I read through the Bible with your blog last year and I am doing it again this year. THANK YOU for all the time and effort you put into this - I learn something new everyday as I read God's Word. If I don't start my day with God's Word things don't always go as planned. So yes, taking time for God is vital! Re; dreams and speaking the name of Jesus, I had an instance where I was in bed, had a dream and then woke up feeling a being in the room with me. I spoke the name of JESUS and the being disappeared. There is POWER in the name of Jesus!

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