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1) yes!
2) going through the bible with our ladies group @ church
3) Prov 3:5-7

Happy New Year 2025!!

I have read through the Bible several times.
I’m looking forward to gain more insight, knowledge and understanding of God and becoming a better person from applying all I’m learning.
My favorite book is always the one I’m reading at the time.-but Philippians 3:7-11, Colossians 3:1-17 and Ephesians 2:8-10 are etched deeply in my soul.

I want to give my testimony. My neighbor helped me come to the Lord. One day we were discussing the Bible. My heart was beating out of my chest. She told me to go home & read my Bible. I was not a Bible reader, as a catholic we were not taught to do so. I was taught about the Trinity, just not about needing to give my life to Jesus. I went home, prayed & said, "I don't know where to read so I'm just going to open my Bible. God honored that simple prayer. It opened in the Psalms. Under the number of the Psalm was a title, "Ardent longing for God". That was me that day. I didn't pray a "sinners prayer" as such, but my heart did. That day I become a true follower of Jesus. A little while later at the beginning of the new year I joined a church that taught the Bible. Have followed Him ever since, 50 years. I pray that as you read thru the Bible this year, if you don't know Jesus as Savior & Lord that you will at the end. He loves you so much, He died for you.

I will be following

I will follow on Facebook

Good morning my fellow OYBS partners throughout the world. I'd like to let you know I have read through the whole bible these past 3-4 years but still can't get enough of it. I'm looking forward with much interest to continue in 2025 as it amazes anyone who is committed.
I am taking Romans 12:2 to guide me in 2025 of not to Conform too much to the patterns of this world but to be transformed y renewing my mind through my daily reading and reflections of God's Words.

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