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An interesting note on Daniel 11: The prophesy in this chapter is so detailed and accurate that 800 years after the Book of Daniel was written an atheistic philosopher named Porphyry declared it a forgery. He said it was actually written after these events happened by someone claiming to be Daniel. This debate continued until the Qumran papers (Dead Sea Scrolls) were discovered in 1947. Among those papers was found a whole and complete early copy of the Book of Daniel. This was the proof needed to finally put the debate at rest for it proved that Daniel was authentic and written prior to the events covered in this prophesy.

It amazes me that people can read these prophecies and not accept the accuracies of all of God’s prophecies, including Jesus Christ being the Messiah.

God Bless!

What amazes me are the people who believe the KJV is the one true Bible. So much has been discovered since then. Namely the Dead Sea Scrolls that verified so much. Archeological discoveries also. There is a caution because some "bibles" pass themselves off as true when they are not a true translation but a paraphrase such as the Living Bible, the Message. Others such as the Passion are to be avoided. Any "bible" that is written for a certain religion is not a true one, The Book of Mormon, New World Translation of Jehovah Witness are a some.

Thankfully God's true Word will stand firm.
Isaiah 55.11 gnt
So also will be the word that I speak--it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do.

Back in Daniel..wars..army, intrigue..v 36 angwl shifts to latter days and talks of antichrist. Theme: beat strong in the Lord. Bad times challenge good people

Deliberate sin grieves the Father and the Holy Spirit because we should act out of love. Thos grieves Gods people if we are not walking out of love and light. Ask God to help in this matter.

Do you get excited when you get to go and worship the Lord freely. The greatness and goodness of God. Do you pray for God's people all over the world and in your church? Peace I will say O Jerusalem. Yes!

Yes I always want to appreciate Godly rebuke amd critique because I don't ever want to he broken beyond repair. Amen.

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