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Jeremiah 30-31:26

There is a difference between being “happy” and having “joy.” Happiness is based on circumstances, but Joy is knowing the final outcome. God didn’t promise us “happy;” however, He did promise us Joy. I believe for one to trust in the Lord the vision of the immediate must be exchanged for sight that sees the future. In chapters 30 and 31, we see Israel’s “current” state against her future, her final outcome. Knowing our glorious outcome as Believers in the midst of trials and pain, should cause us, like Jeremiah to wake up from a “Sweet” sleep.

I Timothy 2:1-15

I’m going to throw a little fire into an already controversial passage. When Paul wrote this in his letter,

13 For God made Adam first, and afterward he made Eve. 14 And it was the woman, not Adam, who was deceived by Satan, and sin was the result.

What really happened to Adam back there in the garden? If Eve was deceived and Adam was not, then did Adam deliberately violate a command of God? To me it seems that it wasn’t until “both” ate, Eve by deception and Adam by deliberate choice, possibly, that they were put out of the garden. What would have happened if Eve had ate and when she offered it to Adam, who was probably right there observing the entire conversation with the snake (Anybody ever wonder why Eve wasn’t shocked that the snake was talking to her? Could they have been “talk’en to the animals” long before Dr. Doolittle.

God is faithful to them that are not faithful to him. Judah is prime example. We sin against love when we break the connection and sin. No matter how dark the day the Shepherd will find you. Comfort spoken: they will come home again. Love love this verse I will be their God and they shall be my people.

Prayer is the most vibrant work in the church. Lord teach me to lead a quiet and peaceable life. That's a hard one..I talk way too much when I shouldn't. Jesus gave a ransom for all. Christ Jesus. His timing is perfect.

Jerusalum is God's chosen city..itvstates in this Psalm..citizenship of Jerusualum..the Source is there..

Lies is like shooting, or an ax or walking on broken foot..ouch!

I have two comments. I agree with Mike about praying the news being a good idea. However asking the Lord for direction in which ones He wants me to pray helps me focus & not be overwhelmed by all the negatives.
The second is about Adam & Eve in the garden. Eve was deceived. Adam was there too. I wonder what would have happened if he had not chosen to eat the fruit. What if he instead called out to God on Eve's behalf. He was the head of the family & also it's priest. It would have restored the relationship with God. If God is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13.8) then He would have forgiven Eve if she repented. Sadly future people could be deceived & the Garden would be lost anyway.

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