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Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18

Reminder to myself: Written under the sun; not under the Son.

13 Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked? (7:13)

Mike this is a plug for the One-Year-Bible Blog. The way to find out how God does things is to read His Word because God and His Word are One (John 1:1)

26 I discovered that a seductive woman is more bitter than death. Her passion is a trap, and her soft hands will bind you. Those who please God will escape from her, but sinners will be caught in her snare. (7:26).

If our society had a revelation of the truth of this verse, the Pornography industry and the sexualization of women (and men) would dry up and die. This society glorifies the seductive woman with all her curves and make-up, which hides the reflection of the true face of disease, death and destruction.

II Corinthians 7:8-16
Godly sorrow: I’m truly sorry and repentant for what I’ve done and whatever the consequences of my actions, I am willing to face.

Worldly sorrow: I’m sorry that I got caught and why should I have to be punished or make restitution because after all I said I was sorry.

Godly sorrow leads to a changed life, worldly sorry recognizes the wrong done only because it was found out and they cannot talk their way out of it. Worldly sorry fails to accept responsibility for their wrong; it was Mr. or Ms Somebody’s fault. Godly sorrow says, I did it and I accept full responsibility for my actions whatever that may be.

Psalm 48:1-14

3 God himself is in Jerusalem's towers.
He reveals himself as her defender.

The Lord will be my High Tower and my Defender just like He is, was Jerusalem defense.

Proverbs 22:17-19

The thirty sayings of the Wise, hmmm, I need to study these thirty sayings ‘cause I’m in bad need of Wisdom.

Grace and peace,

In regards to scripture memorization I follow the Bible Project as an email at no cost. They have flash cards of verses that turn over. On the front is a bunch of letters in a row that are the first letter of each word of the verse. You can turn the card over by clicking on it to read the actual verse. I was amazed how much that little help cause me to remember the verse. I hope to use this idea with other scripture verses in the future. I heard many scriptures thru the years from sermons or teachings & can quote them. The only problem is that I never learned their addresses (reference). So I am a concordance cripple. Hopefully with this tool I will do better in the future. To be honest I do better with verses that mean more to me personally. My church used "The Purple Book" as a way to teach the basics of our faith. My pastor added scriptures to memorize. Needless to say I haven't done that great about memorizing them. Maybe now I can. The other problem is which version you memorized them in when trying to find them in a Bible app. I sometimes used Goggle instead.
In the extra reading the phrase "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times was written by Charles Dickens. It is the first line of his book "The Tale of Two Cities".

The Ecclesiastes section today was rather sad or seemed negative...but it was saying that instead of focusing the here and now..focus on things eternal and of our time when we go to be with Jesus in eternity.thay is worth praising the Lord about.

The sorrow in those life doesn't compare to the life we have to look forward to with Jesus. Yes Godly sorrow can bring peace because when we are sad..sadness is but a moment because joy comes in the morning!!

Psalm: A psalm pf Praise! You will be praised to the ends of the earth!!

Proverbs: I'm so glad I study the bible. It keeps me grounded! Amen..what say you!? Does it do the same to you? Be blessed

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