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Hi Mike!

You asked if we think David was correct to let Absalom return to Jerusalem.

I have a very similar situation with a grown child, and I am convinced David did not do the right thing.

The commentary that you linked to at Bible.org is very helpful. It includes these paragraphs:

Absalom was a murderer and chose political asylum in Geshur with his grandfather. David was not wrong to still love this son and yearn to see him. But it would not have been right for David to pardon him so he could return. It would not even have been right to visit him in Geshur.

I know many parents who so desperately yearn for a relationship with their children that they refuse to discipline them. And when they have rebelled, they are so eager to get them back they welcome their children with open arms, when there has been no repentance, and thus there can be no real reconciliation. The same is true in the church. If there is to be true unity in the church, genuine fellowship among the saints, then there must be rebuke, discipline, and repentance before there can be reconciliation and reunion.

Hi all!

2nd Samuel..sad correlation of David and Absolum and Judas and Jesus..betrayer and ones being portrayed. I can't say whether David shouldn't have forgiven his son. But I think us forgiving God's community and people is a big thing of our responsibility for faith. We r saved and blessed because we believe and forgive.

Psalm 119:105 the Word being a light..so pretty

Proverbs 16:9,10(we can make plans but the Lord directs the steps) hallelujah

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