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Judges 9:22-10:18

How long does it take for God’s vengeance to rear it’s head? How long does it take a known murderer, appointed by his “relatives” to reap the rewards of his sin? In God’s Perfect Timing. In today’s reading we see that three years was all it took for Abimelech to be destroyed by the very people who placed him in power, each party, leadership and those he lead, were “taken out” by each other.

Within the narrative, we see each trying to get back at each other, a one-up-menship, if you will; but, it was God’s timing that allowed each group to keep their appointment with judgment. In the true meaning of the literary tragedy, both the character flaws of Abimelech and the people who appointed them led to their own self-destruction. Without God the only character is bad character. Selfish and self-centered the people had picked a ruler that was related by DNA only and unfit for the job. Yet God, in spite of their flaws, worked out everything for his purpose.

Abimelech’s story and the people who put him in power is going on today. We take men who are “bramble bushes” promising shade where there can never be shade because of bad character, and turn on them when we don’t get what we want. Men/women who never had it within them to met our expectations because they are not God, despite our effort to make them a god. We go along to get along in hopes that we will grab the crumbs from the tyrants table if we join the posse and muscle our way to the front, near our god. We remain loyal to something and someone that is unloyal to any kind of righteous principle and are surprised when we find no stability. And when our expectations are not met, we turn on our “false” god and rage, while shaking our fist at God.

Whom have I attached myself too, whom have I made an alliance with, whom have I submitted myself too who is not God and never can be?

Grace and peace,

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