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Judges 8:18-9:21
In the passage about Gideon’s son, Abimelech, I see a warning about allowing someone whose only leadership qualification is either looking like you or being related. Abimelech’s folks elected him a man who was a seriel killer only because they were related to his mother that is a sorry state of affairs. Daily we make choices not based on principles and integrity of values and beliefs but based on who or what can benefit us by way of relationships.

The parable Abimelech’s half-brother, Jotham, shows what happens when there is a leadership vacuum. The olive tree doesn’t serve (spiritual leadership), the fig tree doesn’t step-up (political); the grapevine (I’m not sure who the vine represents) however, the bramble bush I believe represents “gang” or mob rule. Having a thorn bush as “king” will not bring any comfort. It has nothing to use to shade anyone from the sun and for those who gather under it, they will be stuck.

What kind of leadership should “Believers” elect to lead them, someone who looks like them or someone who hold spiritual and national authority?

Luke 23:44-24:12

Jesus told His followers everything that would happen to Him. They heard Him but didn’t hear Him. What are the memory triggers that make me remember the Word of the Lord. As I read the One-Year-Bible, how much do I take in and how much do I just “don’t get?” May the Holy Spirit bring all things to my remembrance?

Psalm 99:1-9
We are told to “Exalt the Lord our God” (Verse 5) and then given a listing of Old Testament saints who did just that. God doesn’t tell us just to do something without letting us see the great company we would be in if we obeyed God’s command
Proverbs 14:9-10

Mike’s asks if we acknowledge guilt. I would like to add when you feel guilty do you try to do lots of things, busy things, to num feelings of guilt by constantly being on the move (Doing good things trying to pay one’s way out of guilt)? That won’t work. Getting before God and “reconciling with God is the only way. Thanks Mike for the word in season.

Grace and peace,

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