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II Chronicles 21:1-23:21

“There is no success without a successor.” If that statement is true then both Israel and Judah were not successful kingdoms. Today’s reading, no all the readings of the Books of the Bible that are known as History, 1 Samuel through II Chronicles, show the failure of each king, including David and Solomon to rule sin free and to reign in total and perfect righteousness. But in the horizon waited the King of kings standing ready to awaiting His entrance in the fullness of time. And that King is Jesus. No matter how good an earthly king was, the missteps made by each one, no matter how many or few, brought upon themselves and the people they ruled consequences they were unable to bear.

But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
(Gal 4:4-7 KJV)
Johoshaphat left no heir waiting in the wings upon his death. He left his oldest son to take his place but age nor was birth order ever used by God to call or appoint someone to a leadership role. David was the youngest of Jessie’s sons, yet he was the one God picked to be king over Israel after having rejected Saul. Jacob, the younger brother, was chosen by God to rule over Esau, the older. God looks at the heart, man looks at the appearance and the customs of the day to pick leaders who can’t lead.

The last part of verse nine in the twenty-second just floored me, “None of the surviving members of Ahaziah's family were capable of ruling the kingdom”

I believe this sad state of affairs can only come abut when we focus our attention on the immediacy of the now and fail to understand we owe the future generations a continuity of right living, right thinking and right believing. We cannot just tell them to do as I say and not as I do; it does not work. Our behaviors speak so loudly that our words are drowned out by our actions.

Romans 11:13-36
Jew or Greek (non-Jew), it doesn’t matter all our made righteousness not by works or linage, but by the root of the tree of righteousness and the root is the, God and His Son, Jesus. There is nothing we can give to God, there is nothing we can do to earn or inherit righteousness and favor with God. God shows mercy on whom He desires to show mercy.

Psalm 22:1-18

"Is this the one who relies on the LORD?
Then let the LORD save him!
If the LORD loves him so much,
let the LORD rescue him!"

These word were not only spoken by the crowd as they watched Jesus hang on the cross, but these words are spoken about every person who calls on the Name of Jesus. Ever here some people talk about someone behind their back who is in some kind of trouble who they know is a Christian,? I have heard conversations laced with vitriol as I rode home from work on the train talking about people who found themselves in trouble who happed to be believers. And if you’re a Christian there are folks talking about you.

Proverbs 20:7

Did not realize this Proverb would apply to what I wrote about today’s reading in Chronicles.

The righteous man walks in his integrity; blessed (happy, fortunate, enviable) are his children after him.
(Pro 20:7 AMP)

Grace and peace,

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