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It is with a sense of great accomplishment and gratefulness that I comment today. A year ago I started reading the One Year Bible blog without much hope of finishing, because of the times I'd failed before. Although I skipped out most of Ezekiel because I got really behind at one stage, I got through the rest. YAY!

Knowing that there was a community of readers doing this with me, and being able to interact with you all through comments was a key ingredient for me. Thank you to all who posted.

Mike, thank you so much. Your commitment to this blog is admirable, and your humility is inspiring. I think you must be one of Jesus' heros when I see how many lives you are touching daily through your obedience to Him.

Having read the whole Bible now, I have a much better idea of God as the beginning and the end, God working through history, God unravelling His love-plan and God reaching out to us. I have a much better understanding of Israel and the Jewish nation, and how they are a precious part of the fact that I am a Christian today. Praise You, Lord for drawing near to us. Praise You for The Message.

Good Morning all, and Happy New Year. I have been reading, and studying through the One Year Bible Blog for at least five years. What amazes me most, is how when I read the same verse each time, God speaks to me ,through His word, and it's like I think, I don't remember that. I have found, that He is telling me what I need to hear, that day. This year I started sharing what I learned that day, with my friends of Facebook, and it has been amazing to see, how God has touched so may lives, through His word. I will start all over again tomorrow, in His word, because I can't wait to see what He is going to teach, in 2016. If you are new to this teaching, I just say hang on, it's going to be a great ride. God Bless you all.

I have been going through the bible for several years now & I love it every year I listen to Bryan on the audio bible & I love how he brings it alive in my soul.

My commute to work takes me by a farm field with cows grazing...one rainy Monday I didn't have a very good attitude about going to work. As I passed the field a calf with her mother was leaping and playing and Malachi 4:2 came to mind: " but for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves"... I laughed out loud and thank Our Lord for his sense of humor ...I praised Him for his word on my heart...that smile lasted all day. This is what reading Gods word does for us...it is His love letter to His people. I will begin my third year with this blog tomorrow. Thank you Mike for all you do to give this to us!

This is the completion of my second year reading through the Bible, God is always showing me things I did not see the first time around and He still shows me new discernment for things in His Word that I thought I understood, but didn't. Thank you Lord for using Mike to share what You put upon His heart to faithfully write to us each and every day, may You bless him in a very special way. In Jesus name I pray. Happy New Year Mike and thank you for another year in God's Word!!

The one year bible reading experience is one of the best endeavors of my life. If you are considering this for 2016, I highly recommend it. Each month and each day Mike gives you many opportunities to delve in more deeply into the bible readings. You can spend 15 minutes or hours on the readings.it is up to you. My only advice to new readers in 2016 is to stick with it! There will be times when you fall behind and that is ok. Just try not to fall more than one week behind and catch up over the next week. You can do it!
Thank you Mike for your commitment and I am looking forward to the chronological reading in 2016!

This is my 4th year of journeying with OneYearBibleBlog.com and as with the other 3 years - I found it to be for the most part uplifting and convicting as the same time. There are times when I would want to stop (too tired, too busy etc.) but I would tell myself during those weak times to just continue reading through the distractions. Even if I got nothing out of the reading for that day(s) I would just continue to read. On those days I would rely on Mike's insightful commentary to push, probe and prod me through. Thank you Mike for your time and effort in bringing the word of God to us.

Happy New Year to all of you. I have been reading the One Year Bible Blog for a few years but I can honestly say that this year I completely finish God's word from cover to cover. There were some days I got behind but I was able to get caught up. Mike, thank you for your diligence in doing this blog. May God richly bless you and your family. With you posting questions about each reading it helps me to understand what I just read (of course with God's help). To those who are going to start this journey into God's word tomorrow, always start with a prayer to God asking Him for guidance through His word. Also try to read in the morning before you start your day. I get up three hours early before I have to start work. It takes me almost an hour to drive to work which I either talk to to God or listen to praise and worship songs. Then when I do get to work before I read I get on my knees to ask for insight into His word. God has blessed me with hope and love and strength. Don't give up in your relationship with God. Read His word with all your heart and mind and soul and He will be there to guide you all the way in your journey to Jesus. God Bless!!

Thank you for your faithfulness in serving God and serving us daily through this blog!
In 2015, by following the One Year Bible Blog, I was able to read through the whole Bible for the first time in my life!
What a blessing that is!
I would open this blog first thing in the morning, read Mike's comment and others' comments, and read the Scripture portion of the day.
As I read I would pray for God to teach me from His Word.
Almost every day, I get to share a portion of that day's Scripture, and what I learn from it, with my family.
Mike, I pray that the Lord will continue to give you spiritual insights, and His joy and His peace as your strength to write this blog;
I pray that many believers will be encouraged by following this blog - encouraged by His Word, and Mike's and others' comments;
I pray that many who do not yet know the Lord will come to know Him and accept Jesus' gift of eternal salvation through this blog.
pray all in Jesus' faithful Name - amen.
From today's reading -
Revelation 22 Amplified Bible
20 He who testifies and affirms these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
I learn this from sermonnotebook.org, Revelation 22:20 The Invitation of Completion, by Pastor Alan Carr:
'When Jesus uses the word “quickly”, He is not talking about swiftness of time ... The word actually means “without delay”. Jesus is telling us that when everything is in place, He will return without delay ... Jesus does not, cannot and will not tarry, Heb. 10:37! He will return right on schedule!'
(Hebrews 10:37 For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.)
Father, please grant us pure hearts as little children to trust You and Your Word! May Your Word be real to each of us today and every day!
May we look forward to and live expectantly toward Jesus' coming.
Jesus, when You do come back, may You find each of us living faithfully!
May Your grace be with us and enable us to live this way every day.
pray in Your faithful Name - amen.

May God bless each of you!

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