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Thank you so much for giving us this blog. Your insight and work from the Holy Spirit into this project shows with every posting.

My time with God has been in the morning for several years. It sure does keep my day close to Him. I think I started to do this because of what Jesus said to love Him with all our heart and soul and mind and strength. All of these seem to function best in the morning for me because there are no other distractions.

It's funny how your verse today is verse 8 in Psalm 143. I have never seen that verse, even after just reading it. I'm keeping that one within easy reach for sure!

God has been speaking to me about purpose and direction over the course of this year. I am trusting God to direct and teach me to follow his will. As it says in Psalm 143:10: "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing."

May you and your family have a blessed Christmas.

I've blessed to read through this blog a second year now although I feel each year I gain more understanding . God has shown me on my life to be teachable so this passage" teach me to do your will,for you are my God;
may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." In psalms 143 really speaks to me.
Been struggling with how God can use me as I strive to share Christ with others even with strife in my life.,I sing songs of hymns to sleep on sleepless night. One is trust and obey the other gentle shepherd. What God did speak to Me was "preach the gospel" God saves we just plant the seed. Christmas blessings and Happy new year to
All !

Mike and everyone,
Merry Christmas and much blessing in the New Year!
In today's reading, these Scriptures stand out to me:
Psalm 143:8,10 (NLT)
8 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.
10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.
I am learning the following points from Bible.org's "Psalm 143: Another Lesson on Prayer" by Steven J Cole, April 23, 2013:
Mr. Cole is quoting from Derek Kidner (p. 476) that in verses 8-10, David has three requests for guidance.
1, “Teach me the way in which I should walk,” (8b) has an individual flavor. It shows that each of us is uniquely placed and called.
2, “Teach me to do Your will,” (10a) shows that the goal is not self-fulfillment, but pleasing God and finishing His work.
3, “Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground,” (10b), speaks from the humility of someone who knows his need of shepherding, not just of having the right way pointed out to him, but the request for level ground is also David admitting that he is prone to stray and prone to stumble.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You for Your teaching through Your Word!
Please continue to give Mike Your spiritual insight to write and put together this blog; please give him Your joy as his strength to serve!
Please bless Mike and each reader of this blog, that we may continually ask for Your guidance!
Please bless that in time we will find our unique place and calling in life;
please bless that we will want to do Your will to please You and finish Your work;
please by Your Spirit lead us on level ground, so that we can walk steadily each day, so that we won't go astray or stumble, so that if the enemy comes, we can see clearly and can avoid him.
we pray all these in Your Son Jesus' Name - amen.

thank you and may God bless each of you!

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