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"I will be honest - it's not always easy to get motivated for typing in this blog each evening. Most days I am motivated - but not always. Sometimes I just have to "take the plumb line in my hand" - get started with the typing - and God shows up...." ~ I know what you mean, there are days that I hardly have time to read the verses for the day. Then I think to myself "When and where am I going to do the readings???!!!". And somehow there's always enough time to read it and to comment it. Beautiful and inspiring things happen when all of a sudden God shows up. All I have to do is give God the opportunity to show up. All I have to do is make some time for Him and His word and He's there to inspire me. Then all kinds of thoughts go through my mind and I can go on and on commenting the verses. Just sit down, get in touch with myself and I come at ease and find more than enough time to read the Bible and have enough inspiration to write about it. Same thing with church, there are times (just sporaticly - spell check- I'm thankfull for that) that I'm just too tired to go to church. When it happens, it happens on Wednesday, at the midweek service. Yep yep ... I'm admitting this ... WOW ain't I the worst Christian in the world??? LOL Anyways, it's not always easy to work all day, come home at 5.30pm, cook, freshen up, have Jaden all cleaned up and be in church at 7.30pm. While I'm going through rush our I panic "Okay ... how am I going to be in church in time ... ohhhh noooo ... I'm tired ....". Then I come home, need to fix dinner while Jaden is running around me, then we take a shower and I'm in the shower thinking "This is lovely ... maybe I should put on sweats and curl up in the coutch once I'm out of the shower". But how wonderful I feel about myself when I'm in church!!! And the services are even better when I've had this big struggle beforehand! And then I'm soooo happy that I went anyway! God will show up if you open the door ... He'll be there to inspire ... always!!!

There is a flaw in your link to "the Persecuted Church" - it takes me to an ad for steel coils. Thanks.

Thank you for daily serving through this blog!
Thank you for your faithfulness to serve God and serve people!
Being able to read and mediate on your and others' comments on this blog, and following each day's reading on God's Word - has been such a blessing in my life!
I look forward to follow along next year as well. Thank you again!
In today's reading,
Psalm 142:6,7 really speak to me -
6 “Give attention to my cry,
For I am brought very low;
Rescue me from my persecutors,
For they are stronger than I.
7 “Bring my soul out of prison (adversity),
So that I may give thanks and praise Your name;
The righteous will surround me [in triumph],
For You will look after me.” (Amplified Bible)
I am reminded that our ultimate persecutor, satan, is much stronger than us. He will bring us to very low places.
Thankfully we can cry out to God, and He will bring our soul out of adversity.
And the goal, is not so that we can live a comfortable life, but so that we may give thanks and praise His Name, and have the righteous surround us in triumph,
for God will look after us - amen!
May God continue to use this blog to bring many to read and mediate on His Word daily. May God bless that Mike and this blog's readers may have greater understanding, and greater obedience to His Word in times ahead.
pray in His Son Jesus' Name - amen.


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