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I have wandered off my main goal or purpose for reading through the Bible when I began the New Year. My goal is embodied in the New Living Translation of David’s son Solomon’s advice in the Book of Ecclesiastes 7:13, Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God, for who can straighten out what he has made crooked?

It is exciting to read about David and his victories, it is comforting to know that it is not so much the external behavior but the thoughts and intents of the heart that determine our relationship and thus our fellowship with God. But I should return, repent and go back to my first intent. Finding out how God does things and fall into line.

I am an application person; I’m always looking to see how to apply a discovered biblical principal to my life. How do I incorporate that principal that pattern into my life so that it becomes the very fiber of my being. But lately I find myself trying to pattern myself, modeling my behavior after these great people of faith that I have been reading about and noting those people who have failed miserably, like Saul and Eli. Yet today, while walking in the morning I realized that looking at Abraham, Moses, Israel/Jacob, David etc., was the wrong thing to do because each and every one is flawed.

Paul wrote to the church at Corinth telling them in his first letter to them,
PATTERN YOURSELVES after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah). (1 Corinthians 11:1 AMP). We are only to follow, imitate look toward the great men and women of faith as long as they are following Christ. To do that we must know Christ, we must be familiar, up close and personal, with Him and not standing a far off garnering our information from what others say He is. If we do that then we are just like stalkers trying to force ourselves, our depraved lifestyles, our perverted way of thinking upon Him. We become “namedroppers” tying to give the appearance of instead of being truly what He has created us to be.

Come to think of it, the Old Testament gives us a clear picture of man’s failure of 1) redeeming himself, and 2) redeeming others. The Old Testament points out the failure of man to solve the sin problem leading us into the New Covenant redemption plan through Jesus Christ.

As famous as King David remains to this day, as wise as his son Solomon was, the Wisdom of Jesus surpasses them all. If I am my sights toward godly men then I am already setting myself up to sin. Sin means to miss the mark, as in archery, in both Hebrew and Greek. If I aim to model flawed men who have fallen short of the bulls eye then I too will set myself up to miss because I have set my mark far away from God’s bulls eye. I am thankful to be reading about David and his failures because it shows me that even the best of godly men and women are no match for the savior Jesus Christ. This revelation stokes my desire to know Him better and more intimately.

Grace and peace,

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