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Mephibosheth's nurse was one any mother would want to have take care of her son.A 5year old can be a burden to carry when you are running away from danger.There was also no prize at the end of the race because Mephibosheth had nothing to give anymore.His nurse's devotion in the light of all the fights and murderings chapter truly is refreshing.
There was a time Michal loved David.When David became a fugitive he got other wives,Michal became wife to a man who loved her.In deutronomy 24,there's a part that speaks about a woman who's husband had sent her away not being allowed to marry her again if she had married another.True David had not divorced Michal but neither did he make any attempt to keep her AND now she was married to another man(who cried and wept when she was taken away).Maybe behind the disdain in Michal was pain,hurt.David claimed to be dancing for the Lord yet he hadn't asked God before separating Michal or marry dozens of wives some of which were Israelites.
Sometimes I watch people go all "spiritual" dancing,rasing holy hands etc before the Lord in church then after church(or still in church after the worship)behave nasty...then I wonder if truly they had worshipped God or simply enjoyed a good tune in church.Michal may have kept household gods but David sure did nothing to boost her faith in God by his actions.

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you MUST love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
The way we treat others who are our brothers and sisters...the way we treat people in general preach louder sometimes than empty words we say rather than practice.I work in a mostly haotic environment where trying to answer many impatient people at once can really be a challenge.Many times I try to keep in mind that I ought to be light(my unsaved collegues sometimes act really nasty)...sometimes I fail and have a guilt party.Once a lady met me at a christian conference and hugged me saying she had come to my place of work and I was so kind and patient to her that she was certain I was a christian,seeing me at a christian conference confirmed it.
So many times it's hard to understand that people come from different backgrounds,cultures etc and I get my patience stretched thin...it's always good to note the world is watching us as followers of Chirst.Our ways may lead others to Christ,make already existing christians stumble or worse give the world yet another reason to despise Christ.I pray we all be filled with love for God and one another.
God bless you all

Hello, I thank God for you Mike. You have no idea what this bible study has done for me. For years I tried to become interested in the bible but I found it boring and whats worse is I could not understand a lot of it. It had no meaning for me. Now it just jumps out at me with so much meaning, I finally get it. There arent many days where I dont think of God, he is becoming very important in my life and I just couldnt imagine my life without him. So I thank God for caring enough about me to bring you into my life and so many others.I pray that one day God will also use me so I can make a difference in someones life.

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