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I just want to leave these thoughts with you, which sparked my desire to delight in and love the Lord. Then, from that place, obey from the spirit/Spirit.

Every situation in your life is about who you are becoming in Jesus.

You need to replace that “victim mindset”. “I am having a horrible time, but I am not a victim!” “I am not!” “I am not!”

“The word of the Lord to you is, ‘You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.’ ”

There is no end to His Goodness! There is no end to it. There is no end to His Kindness! He is relentless.

Commitment is who you are regardless of circumstances. Commitment is Who God is for you regardless of your circumstances! When you get that, it is like the doorway is thrown wide (open) into intimacy.

What is the one thing that stops me [from] being intimate with God? Me! My perception of myself. How I see myself in Jesus. He is not concerned about that. “I put you in Christ. You are acceptable. You are accepted in the Beloved.”

The reality is tough times are your biggest shortcut into the Presence of God. Take it!

Because if you are waiting for something good to happen so you can love Jesus deeply, you are going to walk the long way around.

See, the nature of God is the key to my life and my current dilemma.

The key to my life is not to get the right answer.

The key to my life and my current dilemma is to understand who God is for me now in what I am going through.

My question is,

“What is it You want to be for me—in my stupidity, in my lunacy, in my sin, in my ungraciousness. What is it You want to be for me now that You could not be at any other time?”

Because that is His gift to you.

I have to swap one mindset for another.


From Jeremiah 45: It's human nature especially in the work world to seek great things for yourself at the sake of stepping on others. I believe the Christian way would be to do things as Christ would do and see that He loves us all the same. Don't things work out smoothly when participants, players, co-workers etc.. see themselves as part of a team working for the good of all rather than their own individual selfish interests.

2 Timothy: Says run from everything that stimulates youthfull lust. This really speaks volumns to some of us from the baby boomer generation, who have learned many or our life's lessons as my dad would say "from the school of hard knocks" No wonder the youth of today have such a struggle,look at who their role models are.

In chapter 3:1-5 the comment made about the youth of today being resentful of other people, parents and authority figures is very obvious to me and quite an eye opener.

Verse 22 says, enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts and pursue faith. Those folks are getter harder and harder to find and most peoples lives are so over booked and busy that they don't have time for others let alone their own families. And the comment that was made about old relationships, I feel that God is still working on those people and I still want to show them Christian love and be an example of Christ to them. If we gave up on them I don't feel that would be right, but I see your point about how they can drag you down to their level and sin.

The Proverbs verse mentions messengers for God. I feel their is a fine line between assoiciating with sinners so we can be good witnesses and give them the message of to stay in our comfort zones with those who call on the Lord with pure hearts. It puts in you in somewhat of a delimma.

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