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What a blessing you were to me today. I loved your encouragement of the tithe. Great challenge and very graciously given.

Psalm 139 is one of my all time favorites as I had uterine cancer at age 27 and had to have a complete hysterectomy. I was not scared of the cancer or even if it should lead to death, but I was soooo sad about not having any more children. (The Lord had blessed us with a son and I was so thankful!) Here comes the part about Psalm 139. We had a chance to adopt, and the Lord brought to my heart that He had knit our little girls in someone else's womb using my family pattern! All knitting projects follow a pattern - God used a little bit of me, a little bit of my husband, added some from their big brother, grandparents, etc..... The product of those two little girls that God eventually brought into our lives through adoption has always placed this Psalm as one of our Top 10!!!!

Isn't God awesome!!

Wow, you gave me a lot to think about. Makes me wonder why we have such low self esteems sometimes, when we read about how God made us with a purpose and a plan.

Thank you Becky & Janice for the comments!

Very cool correlation Becky between Psalm 139 & your two girls! Praise God! Great quote - "All knitting projects follow a pattern" - I know knitting is very popular now - I have tons of friends that are into it. I will point out Psalm 139 to them. Just as they knit and follow a pattern, God did the same for each of us in our lives. And God is indeed still knitting our lives today as we type/read this...


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