You are invited to join us on the One Year Bible journey in 2008! We currently have over 5,750 people in 55 countries around the world signed up for our free weekly emails filled with commentary, encouragement, and questions for reflection.
Why read the Bible in one year? I believe that God wants you to know more about Him, His character, His ways, and His incredible story of redemption. And I believe God wants to transform you more into the likeness of His son Jesus on a daily basis. One of the best ways that God can do all of this is by us reading and studying God's very Word, the Bible, for 15 minutes each day. This website will equip and encourage you on a life-transforming one year journey through the Bible with free daily commentary, questions for reflection, images, worship videos, and with free weekly emails.
We are following a One Year Bible plan with 15 minute daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs. (Please note that we are not following a Chronological Bible plan.) Your options for joining us on the One Year Bible journey include:
1. Reading online using our daily links to Bible Gateway.
2. Listening online using (see link on left sidebar menu)
3. Reading from your own Bible using your preferred translation.
4. Picking up a One Year Bible which organizes our daily readings.
I encourage you to bookmark this website in your browser, sign up for our weekly emails so that you are on the email list. Note that our readings did start on January 1, 2008 - however, I recommend you start with today's calendar date of readings, and then circle back in early 2009 to read the remainder of the readings that we've already gone through this year. You could try to play-catch up - but just skipping ahead to today's calendar date of readings is probably realistic. This website will be continuing in 2008 and, God-willing, for years to come.
To sign up for the One Year Bible Blog weekly emails, simply type your email in the box below, click Subscribe, and then make sure you respond to the confirmation email that will be automatically sent to you. There is no cost to you for any of this - it's free!
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Subscribe to One Year Bible Weekly Emails |
(Don't worry - you can always unsubscribe from our email list at any time. Every weekly email we send will have an "unsubscribe" option at the bottom of each email. Also, we will not share your e-mail address with anyone else.)
Click on the link below to view our most recent weekly email:
I encourage you to consider friends or relatives or church congregation members that you might want to invite along on this One Year Bible journey as well? Please feel free to share this website with others! If you have a church website or a personal blog you are very welcome to link to this website! I encourage you to consider including information about this website in your church bulletins in December of each year. Also, I encourage you to consider "championing" the One Year Bible at your church by encouraging others to join you on the journey. Sometimes people need someone like you from their church to encourage them to read God's Word each day!
Will you consider starting up a One Year Bible small group at your church in 2008? The "New Believers" edition of the One Year Bible is perfect for small groups - as is "The One Year Bible Companion" - both of these are linked to on the left side bar. Also, please visit the "Small Groups Info" link on the left side bar too for free weekly "roadmaps" as your small group journeys through the One Year Bible!
Mike's bio: Overall, please know that this website is not about me - it is about God and it's about each of us learning from God's Word each and every day. I pray that this website simply helps facilitate this process for each of us. I am a Christian who has discovered that reading and studying the Bible every day is absolutely life-transforming. 2008 is my 6th One Year Bible journey, so I'm learning some things about the Bible as I go. I do have so much more to learn! I try to write on this blog keeping two things in mind: 1. Grace 2. A call to holiness in our lives. I try to find the balance of these two in my own life and in the writings in this blog and in the weekly e-mails. I have an evangelical faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit - the Triune God. I'm in my mid 30's and 7 years ago I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at a nondenominational evangelical church. A statement of my faith includes The Apostles Creed and The Lausanne Covenant (both linked to on the left side bar). I hope this is enough of a bio? God's bio in the Bible is so much more interesting than mine! :)
I look forward to journeying through the One Year Bible with you! Again, please do not let this spiritual growth opportunity pass you by! God bless you!
Any questions? Email Mike at: [email protected]